Bulky Warm Fabric,derived from volcanic rock factor

Column:product development Author: Maggie Z. Browsing volume: 1099
What makes the fabric so warm?
The secret is Black technology fabric:
-- Bulky Warm Fabric, derived from volcanic rock factor

What makes the fabric so warm?

The secret is Black technology fabric:

-- Bulky Warm Fabric, derived from volcanic rock factor


With multiple patents


More soft

More warmth


PS: The volcanic rock minerals and trace elements in the fabric will not disappear due to time and washing, so the function will continue to be effective for a long time.

*This kind of yarn has obtained a patent from China, with the certification patent number of new type M440308

Each volcanic rock particle in the fabric has thousands of thermal storage voids, and heat cannot escape and cold air cannot enter.

A simple understanding is that the volcanic rock factor in the fiber can "absorb" the cold air around and the moisture in the body, and then convert it into twice the heat to emit.


Compared with the traditional hot hair and even the mainstream German velvet on the market, the warmth value is three times higher!

One piece=sweater+thermal underwear


However, it is hot but not stuffy, and does not make the body sweaty and damp.

If you wear it for yoga and running, even if you are sweating, you can quickly take away excess moisture from your body and keep it dry all the time.

After absorbing heat, volcanic rock factor can also release far infrared ray beneficial to human body, improve human micro-circulation, eliminate edema, and make you more slim and slim.